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Key information and documents

Course polling

Classroom slides, handouts, etc.

Some study resources

Book assignment information

This book is available for free download in PDF format and for purchase in paperback form for about $16 from Amazon. Make sure you are getting and using version 4.0 (2022).
Because of the book's Creative Commons licensing, you have lots of options in terms of how you might access it.
  • You could read it on your computer or tablet.
  • You could print it yourself.
  • You could purchase the bound paperback from printed copy from Amazon. Again, make sure it's v4.0 from 2022.
One thing to keep in mind: Assuming we have a normal exam (i.e., putting aside potential covid pandemic contingencies), then you will want to have a printed copy by the end of the semester to use on the exam. So I would recommend starting the semester with a printed copy (which you can mark-up and highlight as you go along).
In addition, students will be required to access certain other online open-access materials, which they may choose to download and print.

Copyright 2023 Eric E. Johnson. All rights reserved. Konomark - most rights sharable.