Classroom Materials

Oil & Gas Law, Spring 2018

Prof. Eric E. Johnson

updated as of April 20, 2018



Physics of Energy (Topic S1)

Ad Coelum, Rule of Capture, and Subversions (Topics L1-L3)

Geophysical Trespass (Topic L6)

Supply and Demand Basics (Topic S7; Class No. 4 & 5)

Externalities and the Coase Theorem (Topic S8; Class No. 4)

Supply, Demand, Suplus, and Efficiency (Topic S11)

á      (much fuller version)

á      (even more abridged version)

Oil & Gas Leases - Purpose and Nature of Rights (Topic L8)

Oil & Gas Leases - The Granting Clause (Topic L9)

Hydrocarbon Chemistry (Topic S12)

Oil & Gas Leases - The Habendum Clause (Topic L10)

Oil & Gas Leases - Other Issues and Concerns (Topic L11)

Titles and Conveyances in Oil & Gas Interests (Topic L12)

Oil & Gas Leases – Pugh Clauses and Retained Acreage Provisions (Topic L11A)

Dakota Access Pipeline (abridged)  (Topic S13)

á      Note: A full version was sent to students by e-mail on March 28.

Conservation Law and Regulation (Topic L13)

Trade Secrets in Oil & Gas (Part 1)  (Topic L14)

Trade Secrets in Oil & Gas (Part 2)  (Topic L14)

Thermodynamics (Topic S15)

Environmental Regulation and Liability (Topic L15)

Review Session (April 20, 2018)


Transactional Documents

Oil & Gas Lease for Umberacre (draft) Lindstrom -w- Hexetron [pdf] [docx]

Oil & Gas Lease for Ecruacre (draft) Lesterson -w- Conoxoco [pdf] [docx]

Select Title Materials Provided by Ken Hedge [pdf]


Deprecated items (do not use):

Ad Coelum, Rule of Capture, and Correlative Rights (Class No. 3) [§ all slides from this slideshow are found in the more inclusive slide deck already listed above: Ad Coelum, Rule of Capture, and Subversions (Topics L1-L3)]



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