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Key information

Trademark Analysis Synthesis – Final version, dated 2024-04-25 [PDF] [DOCX]
Redline comparisons (using only unformatted plain text) of prior versions against final version:

Course Polling:

Classroom Notes and Presentations:

Book assignment information

The books for the class are all open-source/open-access/OER, all available for free downloading. Here are the required books:
  • Eric E. Johnson, Intellectual Property Surveyor, Volume: Trademark (Museum Edition, Version 1.0, 2022). Please note the following: You only need the "Trademark" volume, not the others. The volume is available for free download in PDF and DOCX formats. You can print it out yourself, or you can purchase soft-bound paperbacks on a print-on-demand basis from Amazon or Lulu. My practice has been to price these books at zero markup so that the price is just what Lulu or Amazon charges, with no royalties flowing to me. You might also be able to get a copy of this book from a student who took IP Survey previously. Be aware that from time to time I may update the posted and/or print-on-demand versions of the 1.0 manuscripts of my books in order to fix minor typos. Such updates are reflected in the hundredths place of the version number (e.g., 1.01). These fixes won't affect substance, pagination, or usability.
  • Michael Grynberg, Trademark Law (v3.0, 2023). Please note the following: This is available for free download as a PDF. You can print it out yourself. There’s no way I know of to buy a printed copy online. But if you want your copy (that you printed out yourself) bound, I can work on trying to figure out if I can get that done for you.
  • In addition, it is likely there will be supplemental readings that will be downloadable and printable.
One thing to keep in mind: Assuming we have a normal sort of exam like I've had in the past (but see the next paragraph), then I anticipate having a closed-book multiple-choice portion and an open-book/open-notes essay portion. And if that's the kind of exam we have, then you will probably want to have a printed copy of your books by the end of the semester to use on the exam. I personally would want to start the semester with a printed copy that I could mark up and highlight as I went along. But you might prefer to read books on your computer or tablet and then print things out at the end of the semester (at which point perhaps you will have marked up the book electronically over the semester). It's up to you.
Please note that I can't guarantee anything at this point about the format of the exam. Unfortunately, OU Law has frequently changed their exam policies in past semesters. I hope to pin down at least some details after the semester begins, but ultimately sudden shifts in administrative policy are out of my control.

Some study resources:

Other documents:

Copyright 2024 Eric E. Johnson. All rights reserved. Konomark - most rights sharable.